Monday, June 13, 2011

Annie, you are the worst

I know, three posts in a day!

This rare burst of productivity is really just indicative that I ought to be doing 1,583 other (more important) things.

This one is a cheat because it is lifted from The Hairpin.

"Your Personality as Determined by Your Favorite 1980s musical" is stunningly accurate. I am "Les Miserables." It was my first musical and I stand by it.

The other musicals weren't even options. I have a violent hatred for "Annie" and "Cats" is just plain awful. Couldn't we have enjoyed "Memories" on its own? Did we really have to have that mess of a musical accompany it? "Phantom of the Opera" scared the bejeezus out of me and I still can't listen to that soundtrack at night.

The article describes my relationship to "Les Miserables" best: "Even though you were riding in the relative privilege of the backseat of your mother’s minivan, the angst and injustice of Les Miz spoke to you through the headphones of your walkman. It taught you that, no matter how righteous you are, life is never fair. You also learned that even though you're destined to suffer great misery, love makes it all worth it."

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