Monday, June 13, 2011

Amsterdam. Why?

The Atlantic seems to have published a story that is quietly flying under the radar. Apparently, at the end of the year, tourists will no longer be able to buy pot in Amsterdam. In an effort to crack down on crime and drug trafficking, only Dutch citizens will be able to buy marijuana in coffee shops after December 2011.

Frankly, Amsterdam is famous for two things: the red light district and coffee shops. I understand that the two can attract some shady people-- but in an effort to clean up the streets you take the POT HEADS off the street?

Hopefully the criminal element will wane thanks to this new policy- but the rate of tourism is going to see a steep drop off as well. Finally we will be able to see exactly how connected marijuana sales were to admissions at the Van Gogh museum.

By the end of the year, Amsterdam will be about as interesting as Ghent.



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