Monday, October 18, 2010

What were you THINKING?

Angela Merkel announced yesterday that "multiculturalism has... utterly failed" in Germany. As much as multiculturalism might have failed in Germany-- its probably working out a lot better than their attempt at a monocultural society.

If I am honest with myself-- my chief complaint concerning Joe Miller is that he can't grow a beard. He has a weak chin that he tries to cover up with a beard that looks more like a way out of control five-o-clock shadow. It is pitiful. But Joe Miller doesn't want your pity-- he wants you to know he doesn't let the press mess with him. His security detail detained a reporter-- and by detained I mean handcuffed and detained by people who weren't police. Joe Miller really is the conservative choice for senate ... if by conservative you mean power-hungry control freak.

The unemployment crisis has been a major issue. You would think that the students of Columbia would have a leg up in these dire times. Apparently not because a memo was released this week reminding the students to bathe. So the unemployment isn't actually a problem for ivy leaguers-- its more an issue that no one wants to be in the same room with them because they are disgusting and tacky. Crisis solved! is running a headline right now that reads "Conservative Ultra-Rich Plot Their Takeover." When have the ultra-rich not been in charge? Who are they taking their power back from? Way to look super naive Huffington Post. If this counts as an expose, then investigative journalism is officially dead.

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