Friday, February 5, 2010

Heal Yourself!

Ugh! I feel like chilly death. This virus/plague has left me physically weakened.

Sudaffed is dead to me. If I have to wait in line like a criminal then I should be entitled to a product that works.

As far as job search stuff goes, I am applying to seven schools. The job that I really hope I get is teaching humanities and two of the quaker schools I am applying to need a humanities teacher (Charlottesville, VA and San Francisco, CA).

There are also a couple jobs dealing with study abroad programs that I am also applying to.

Right now I am just trying to get letters of recommendation in order. Blah.

Promise to be more creative as soon as I don't feel miserable.


  1. you'd be such a wonderful humanities teacher jen!! i'm excited to see what the universe has in store for you. feel better my friend. i hope you're back this way soon :)

  2. Oh my God. You are so much more on top of your sheisse than I am right now. I am both impressed and chagrined. Yay you!
