*mentions politics but post is fairly non-political
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The Republican National Convention happened. During the three days, a lot of people were guessing who the mystery guest would be. Guesses included Ron Paul, Tim Tebow, Donald Trump, a hologram of Reagan, Jon Voight, Mengele, George W. Bush, Laura Bush, and Voldemort.
I don't think anyone expected it to be Clint Eastwood.
And I don't think anyone expected him to talk to a chair...
Reactions to the speech ranged everywhere from joy (everyone at the convention) to confusion (everyone not at the convention).
Poor Rachel Maddow, who deals with politics everyday (how do you do it, girl?) was simply bewildered. She could not wrap her mind around it.
It was kind of crazy and probably garnered the biggest reaction from people/general media...
Most of the people I follow on Twitter are comedians and were just thrilled and amused that the convention decided to take such a strange turn...
I like how old people have become the new wild-card at televised events.
Forget Kanye West-- old people are the people to watch.
They have stuff to say and they just don't care about your bullshit.
Clint Eastwood likes to pop at random times to spend a moment or two growling at us for being lazy jerks (remember the random commercials he did at the super bowl?) and I kind of love it. He has such a great stage presence.
They don't just play the theme from "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly" for just anybody (and it wasn't just because he happened to be in the movie.
The man the last of the old-school badasses.
I personally believe that Clint Eastwood could get more done in this country than any politician in existence. NOT by becoming involved in politics- just by going door to door and growling at people to, "get their f&%ing act together."
The media kind of seized on the "chair thing" but the speech wasn't awful. It was actually pretty good. Eastwood had some great one-liners and he had some good slams on lawyers and Biden.
(I personally love Biden but credit where credit is due.)
The speech was funny.
He had a legitimately good quip about war in Afghanistan: "We didn't check with the Russians to see how they did there for the ten years..." Hahaha. It's funny because no one wins in Afghanistan.
Good one, Mr. Eastwood.
One woman at the convention shouted,"Make my day," to which Eastwood responded, "I don't say that anymore." But then after a beat of silence, he added with a coy smile, "but maybe one more time..."
Clint Eastwood, you tease!
The man knows how to play to the crowd.
Personally, though, I would have rather heard him shout, "GET OFF MY LAWN!" into the crowd.