I saw "Thor" last night and it was awesome.
Frankly, my expectations were quite low, because even though the amazing Kenneth Branagh was directing, there were so many things that could have gone wrong.
- He travels to earth via the bifrost-- which is a rainbow bridge. That could have looked ridiculous. Instead, it was epic and I want one.
- As hilarious as old-timey viking language is, it could have been over done. It turns out that I never get tired of Thor calling everyone around him a puny mortal.
- I thought that Natalie Portman was a bizarre choice. Didn't know if she would add anything to the movie. I was wrong to doubt her.
I really liked "Thor" and I think other people will find it just as epic.
If I can nerd out for a second, though, I just want to say that comics are awesome. In Hollywood's recent rush to cash in on the comic industry, some of the adaptations have been pretty awful. You would think Hollywood could produce a basic hero movie (especially given the budgets some of these movies have) but clearly that is not the case.
There are all kinds of comics (or graphic novels if you are a snob) and there is some great storytelling that just flourishes in the comic medium. Recently, I've been obsessed with Marvel and which just looks at every possible variation of the heroic struggle. One of the best stories I have ever read, however, is "Y the Last Man." I recommend it to everyone.
Even those who don't think they like comics, when they look deep within their heart--they find that there is something. If you like snark, underdogs, wonderdogs, justice, philosophy, heroes, romance, robots, or laser beams-- then you probably like comics.
Also, "Thor" reignited my excitement for "the Avengers" movie. Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, and Captain America come together and battle some epic baddy. What is even better is Joss Whedon not only wrote the script-- but is directing the movie.
Whedon was behind "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Firefly", and "Dr.Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog." The man has a knack for storytelling and creating amazing characters.
He also has a reputation for killing those amazing characters.
And getting fired.
(if you can't read the comic, click here to go to the original)