Sunday, August 15, 2010

The best godmother ever....

Despite my documented distrust of infants, I was super excited to go down to see my Goddaughter (Godkid) and her mama (Ani).

Ani was my roomate in high school and pretty much my only link my Armenian heritage.

Any Armenian (or anyone who has ever seen an Armenian) is pretty much in disbelief once they hear that part of my heritage is Armenian. I don't look Armenian at all and truth be told-- I'm not a really good Armenian. The only Armenian word I know is "bread" (lavash?) so between me and my dad-- we can beg for scraps at any Armenian table because the only word *he* knows is "meat."

Luckily Armenians are a benevolent people and always go out of their way to feed me. It is also lucky that Armenian food is freaking good. I can eat my weight in lamb and boereg.

I got distracted.

The Godkid.


This is Mia. She likes colors, food, sleeping, and when I flail my limbs in an amusing fashion. I think we could get along.

Mia is only 3 months- so she didn't have much use for "Auntie Jenny." We pretty much just sized each other up during my visit. I like her-- but I think Mia is a little skeptical of me. Unless I am being used as a pillow, Mia really only likes it when I am dancing around and basically act as if I'm drowning on land.

What a sweetheart-head.

This picture was taken too early in the morning for my taste.
Even Mia seems confused that she is awake. She said I made a good pillow, though.


  1. That child is only three months old and has more hair than you and me combined! She's adorable. And I, too, am a huge fan of colors, food, sleeping, and Jenny-flailing, so I think we'd get on pretty well.


  2. CUTEST BABY EVER! I love seeing Jenny+baby Mia. It's pretty heart warming. I finally called you after being the worst friend ever but got your voicemail and then saw via facebook that it was gone. I shall try after the weekend. Hope life is good :)
