Language barriers?
The number one problem travelers have is accidentally murdering their travel buddy.
Despite the awesome fun-times you have on trips-- the stress you experience is frightening in its magnitude. We had to figure out laws in an effort to preserve harmony on the trip. After being around someone for three months you have to take measures to make sure you don't kill them (even if that person happens to be your alpha friend).
The following are the laws that Mandy and I have adhered to on our trip and they have worked out pretty well so far.
1) Each traveler is obligated to have snacks on their person at all times
Hunger has torn many friendship asunder. The easiest way to cure crankiness is to stop and have a snack.
2) No weapons of any kind-- found or handmade.
Tensions can get high when traveling. Best not to have weapons handy. I think this rule can apply to most situations, though.
3) At no point in time is it to be implied that Mandy is anything but a redhead.
For some reason...people have been doubting the authenticity of Mandy's hair color. Its gotta stop. Mandy is a redhead, people.
4) No unkind word against Kelly Clarkson.
Kelly Clarkson unites us all. Only people who are mentally unhinged slander Kelly Clarkson-- and those people aren't allowed on our awesome adventure.
beautiful rules..especially the kelly clarkson one. i find it quite strange that people doubt mandy's hair color, she certainly has the most authentic beautiful red hair i've ever seen. perhaps europe doesn't have the love for red hair that i do. i'm so glad you guys are having fun and have created these rules, few things go wrong when there are snacks present. can't wait to hear about romania!