The search for the Grail is the search for the divine in all of us.
Marcus BrodyWell, no problem, Marcus. We found the grail.
I was reading my guidebook and it described Valencia thusly:"The birthplace of paella, the home of the Holy Grail, and the host of the 2007 American Cup, Valencia is a friendly, if a slightly chaotic-----"
Home of the Holy Grail? Who
cares what else is in Valencia? Pretty sure that once you have the holy grail, you don't really need to brag about anything else in your city.
The grail is apparently the only one that the Vatican recognizes as "authentic." People felt they needed to bedazzle the grail over the years, though, so now it is covered in jewels and whatnot (which is how Jesus would have wanted it, I'm sure).
But I still cannot BELIEVE that we are actually going to get to see (what the Vatican considers to be) the HOLY GRAIL.
And I'm not going to lie, our visit will involve a lot of quoting\ re-enacting scenes from Indiana Jones and te Last Crusade.
Let's hope our visit doesn't end like this

I suddenly remembered my Charlemagne. Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky...
Professor Henry Jones