When did celebrating the New Year become an invitation for girls to wear fishnets and top hats? Is there a holiday where girls aren't expected to dress like strippers?
I wore my normal (very sexy) attire: a clever t-shirt hidden with a hoodie.
Very chic.
Me and Paul Giamatti have the same stylist.
New Years happened on the patio of Mcouls (surprise!). It was pretty tame but also enjoyable. There were about ten people on the patio as compared to the 60+ assholes crammed inside by the TV. From the patio, you could both hear the countdown on TV inside and see the ball drop across the street at Bin 33.
In a tribute to New York's epic ball drop in Times Square, Bin 33 constructed a ball drop outside the restaurant. Where the ball in New York is 12 feet in diameter and made of Waterford crystal and state of the art lights, the ball at Bin 33 was made out of scrap metal and lights.
Suck it, New York.
Very classy. To be fair, though, it looked kind of cool. Even better? Bin 33 was charging $15 dollars just to get in for the festivities and I got to watch across the street (at a better angle) for free. So while the posh people were eating over-priced hors d'oeuvres and craning to see the ball drop-- I got to watch for free from the patio eating a rueben and drinking champagne.
Dang, I'm classy!
Cheers 2011.
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