Monday, September 7, 2009


My sister (the industrious one) is taking Spanish classes at a nearby college. She is still in the early stages of learning the language but is super eager to inject it into everyday conversation. Our conversations go like this now:
Me: Hi, Catherine.
Catherine: Rojo!

None of it makes any sense and usually when I have her translate it for me-- it still doesn't make any sense (see above). My favorite, however, came today when she suddenly appeared in my room and announced the following:

Catherine: No, tu no eres baja y fea.
Me: ...
Catherine: No, you are not short and ugly.
[exit Catherine]

Thank you, Catherine.

1 comment:

  1. Ahahahahahahahahaha

    I hope Catherine visits us. We'll chat it up together in Spanish while you watch in despair.

    ~ Mandy, tu amiga de viajar
